
Tixxy - Concert Recommendations Texted Directly To You

Tixxy - a chatbot that recommends concerts via text alerts based on the music you listen to so you never miss your favorite artist in concert - has been a passion project of mine for a very long time. I feel so strongly that this product needed to exist in the world that I once encouraged someone else to run with and develop as I had my hands full with other projects and issues. I didn’t care about making money from it, this was “for the greater good”!

The Problem - Unawareness 

I’ve experienced all aspects of the music industry. I’ve been a successful professional musician, a music startup founder and above all, a fan. I’ve missed many of my favorite artists in concert and it’s such an incredible letdown. I’ve had fans of my own music experience similar letdowns as they found out about my band’s concerts too late or after the fact. Finally, I’ve seen promoters and managers struggle with getting the word out in the new age of digital marketing. 

Anecdotes aside, 40% of concert tickets go unsold. I believe the main reason is lack of awareness. Ample time to round-up friends to attend with you, budget and schedule off work, find babysitters, etc - combined with social media clutter and general life chaos, collectively are solved by simply addressing the underlying (un)awareness issue.

The Solution - Texting + Recommendations

Fast-forward a bit, the friend I gave the concept to hadn’t done anything with it and I still felt like this concept had legs. What you get with this first iteration is the pure raw idea. The team and I spent a lot of spare nights and weekends building something we would use ourselves.

Tixxy isn’t about getting rich, it’s about not missing our favorite artists in concert. We sincerely hope you find it as useful as we have and welcome your feedback to make it better!

Eron Bucciarelli
